You hear this is the time of year for flu shots. I am considering getting one this year. I got a cold that has been going around. Here are some tips to prevent colds and if you get a cold how to feel better.
I try and do these all year round to stay healthy.
1. Wash hands, wash hands and wash hands. Have plenty of lotion and purell hand sanitizer on hand.
2. Drink more tea. Especially green tea which has many healthy things in it.
3. Get plenty of sleep.
4. Try to keep stress to a minimum. I do yoga to help with this.
5. Exercise even if its just walking.
6. Eat well. I don't think eating lots of chips and dip and cookies count. But I'm all for comfort foods in the colder months. I take a one a day vitamin to make sure I get all I need.
7. Laugh A LOT! May not ward off a cold but it will make you feel better. And break stress which will help.
8. Do something fun or pampering for yourself. Once a day if not once a week.
9. Drink plenty of water. I do that all year round but in winter its pretty dry so its important to stay hydrated.
10. I eat more garlic in the colder months. I pretty much put it in every thing I can. Supposed to be good for warding off colds...and vampires!
If you do get a cold:
1. Don't panic. Hopefully when you start to feel it you can do some things to keep it short.
2. Have plenty of kleenex. I love the ones with lotion in them!
3. Take extra vitamin C or drink Emergen C or eat more things that are rich in C.
4. Get plenty of rest and take it easy. Which means slow down or stop working out if you have a fever.
5. I try not to take over the counter stuff but I give in if my symptoms are bad and I need to function or sleep I will take them. I found an old
hot toddy recipe that works well at night.
6. Drink water and tea...lots of it! So many good teas out there for colds.
7. I like to take a steam either at the gym or at home. Yes I turn the hot water on and sit in the bathroom.
8. If you have a fever or feel run down best to take the day off of work.
9. If you do stay home wear most comfy warm clothes. Read, watch movie or TV, stare out the window and nap.
10. Be patient and kind to yourself.
11. Oh and chicken soup!!!!!