My favorite part of one of my favorite movies Jaws is the scene when they compare scars. One trying to out do the other to see who had the best or worst scar and the story of how they got it. I think scars are cool because there is always a great story behind them and they mark a moment in your life you can't erase sort of like a tattoo but not one you chose. I think some of my scars happened when I was too young to remember and people have to tell me how I got them. Like the one over my eye which I was told our dog bit me.
The one on my head which you can't see and not sure how many stitches but my sister had to tell me she shut the car door on my head. She says she didn't do it on purpose which we both laugh about now. One on my leg I got from falling off a bunk bed though I think my brother pushed me off.
One I have on my knee I fell out of my car trying to reach for something I dropped and my knee landed on a rock. I was getting to leave for my grandfathers funeral in Ohio. The worst one is the one I have on the top of my right rear thigh. I was about 7 I think and a girl in my neighborhood ran into me with her bike fender. I had over 100 stitches inside and out. I have 3 scars 2 on my back and one on my upper arm from having moles removed to test for cancer. They turned out OK but I wear sunscreen religiously and a hat. I'm a klutz so it seems I do have a bunch. I also think my lines on my face are also like scars that tell me I've lived and that is part of aging. Some scars are not visible to the eye but can have a lasting memory. A smell or seeing someone or something can trigger that memory. Those scars can heal with time and hopefully aren't as painful as when you first experienced them. Do you have a scar and a good story to go with it?
Oh, my gosh, talking about scars, you brought to mind some of the earliest ones you got because you had chicken pox at age 7 1/2 months. (in a space of two months that summer, all 4 of you got it) The doctor told me that "it was the worse case he had seen in a baby" (gee thanks doc) and I worried about the ones on your little cute baby face. I'm glad you don't remember that.