Sunday, May 16, 2010

New Adventures

Being single in the city I have to try new things in order to meet new people/potential dates/networking. I need to have something to talk about Monday at work!  This past weekend I did this thing called Mac and Cheese Minglers.   The talented host name is Saya and she used to host dinner parties for singles and now she just does parties.  She puts together a great mix of people all who don't know each other in her spacious loft which used to be a toy factory. She assigns snacks/drinks to each person to bring.  I made basil dip.   The evening started with the game where you get a celebrity/famous person posted on your back and you have to guess who you are based on asking others yes or no questions.
Then she separated us into three groups and first we had to introduce ourselves to the whole group, where we grew up, where we went to college and what we do for living.  Then each group got a list of 7 questions and we picked the person who gave the best answer to tell to the whole group after our individual groups finished.  Was a great way to learn about people and hear some really great stories.  Once that is over people are free to "mingle".  Was a lot of fun getting to know new people.   One guy met Michael Jackson when he was a kid, another woman is planning a trip around former Soviet Union states for a year, one did a blacksmith class for several months in the Appalachians, one met the president when she was working in Afghanistan.  Everyone had their own unique story and have lived pretty amazing lives.  I will definitely do it again. 

I live near an area of the city called Ravenswood Manor (Ex Govenor Blagojevich not sure if he still lives there-if those walls could talk). 
Area has some really nice old bungalows and beautiful gardens and is right along the Chicago river. On Sunday the neighborhood holds one of the oldest and largest garage sales in the city.  My friend Chris ended up with an amazing 50's style lamp and we both found some old vintage post cards.  Was a great way to spend a beautiful Sunday morning walking and looking through all the junk and some treasures.

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