I have always been intrigued by the weather. I consider myself a weather nerd. When I saw the Wizard of Oz I was scared and fascinated at the same time with tornadoes. I want to go storm chasing someday so I can see one... yes I know a bit strange! I also take a lot of photos of clouds and sunrises/sunsets. I'm superstitious about the full moon and that it follows me, brings me luck and makes some a little crazy. When I go on a trips to Michigan or camping seeing the galaxy and all the stars is one of those things that takes my breathe away. Something about the power of the sky I always seem to want to look at it, wonder about it and think who might be up there watching over me. I make wishes when I see a falling star which has happened a few times.
View from my office window. I really appreciate my window and daydream staring at the sky.
Plane rides are the best places to view the sky. So peaceful.

Chicago has some amazing sky just after or before a storm.
Last trip to Australia 2010. Grace my niece who lives there shares my passion of clouds.
Storm clouds are some of my favorite kind of clouds.
This blog is dedicated to moms. Those who are are in my life and those who have passed on and those yet to be moms. May your wisdom and love always shine down upon us.

love you amy! clouds are awesome!! :D
Amy, my dear daughter.....this was the first time I visited your blog...and it is amazing!!! Thanks for sharing. I love you so much. God bless your day! Hope to see you soon. Love, Mom